Larkhall Festival Boules Tournament 2023
Competing For The Rose and Crown Trophies
Monday 8th May in Alice Park – open to everyone
It’s a triples tournament with teams of 3 players per match, each throwing 2 boules.
(playing squad numbers unlimited for the tournament duration).
To take part: at least one team representative registers to play at the organiser’s table in the park between 10.50 and 11.30 for a 12 noon start. (the whole playing area will be available for practice at anytime before the start of play, and of course the permanent terrain is available to the general public at all times)
Estimated finish time about 5.30 - 6 pm.
Entry Fee: £1 per player (under 16s, 50pence, to be supervised on and around the playing area by an adult at all times). Cash payment on the day at registration please.
The format/method of organising the tournament will be determined on the day according to number of entries, weather etc.
There will be prizes for winners and losers.
Dress: In French Style, of course. (at least something red, white and blue, although be prepared for English style weather!) Flat sole shoes are best. Best dressed players rewarded.
Bring own boules if possible. 2 boules per player needed, but spares will be available.
Player substitutions may be made during matches but only between ends and after informing opponents.
Beginners, don’t worry, rules of play will be explained but you’ll very quickly get the hang of it all. Help and advice will be readily available.
Come along, have some French style fun.
The café will be open for refreshments etc all day, but you may bring own picnic of course.
Organised by The Bath Grand Cru Petanque Club on behalf of The Larkhall Festival and supported by our local Rose & Crown pub.
Contact Chris Garratt for more info: 0778947057
Intention to play would be useful before the day if possible.